The Adventure Begins

The Adventure Begins
...we get to think of life as an inexhaustible well. Yet everything happens a certain number of times, and a very small number, really... How many more times will you watch the full moon rise? Perhaps twenty. And yet it all seems limitless.
— Paul Bowles

How many sunrises missed because we're busy getting ready for work; how many beautiful days missed behind an office desk; how many quiet moments sitting beside a stream that we could have had but didn't because we had to squeeze all our recreation into a short time?  Certainly too many.  How many landscapes and places on our 'hope to see' list will end up on our 'wish we had seen' list if we don't mindfully make an effort to see them?  So ...we've decided to try to live in a different way, because after all, we only have a finite amount of time and we want to fill ours with experiences that are meaningful to us.  We left our full-time jobs, put our stuff in storage and are saying goodby to our current lives to embrace adventure and live full-time on the road- just us, a roof-top tent that will be our new home,  our side-kick Koda and the open road.  

We have a rough plan (more a collection of places we have always wanted to see) but part of the adventure will be spontaneity.  Our wish list will take us from the rugged coast of eastern Maine, through the western US and Canada all the way to Alaska and back to the deserts of the southwest. We're not sure where the open road will take us, but hope you will follow along as we share our journey.  Check out our About page to get to know more about us.